Oh yes! I already have!
Finally an update as it should:)
-.- Well is sloppy for the rest is all ok!
Unfortunately we see that his dream is to become a player (as is already in his career) but a mad scientist!
Well that we will later!
Now the least you should do because you live and Fiki-Fiki daily has become a fixed couple!
is good:)
Well! Celebrate! : D
Now that's funny Niky eh? XD
What could spoil this sweet atmosphere?
... here it is .....
but? Ehmmm sorry? there's a burglar in your house you do not think it is better to wake up and go see?? O_O
Luckily I had put the alarm was for them because if we took away the house -.-
Even the policewoman's upset XD
However, if he did something was not normal Niky XD and so we saw that it found just the man for her! -.-
fly over and go to see their aspirations second! (Hooray, I found a nut XD)
Bella coupled knowledge-pleasure-_-
is also of Ping ... sorry for the horrible joke u_u
Knowledge-Ranking ... better than the other on!
is finally worthy of a close-Pong XD
What smielosi I am! * _ * Are always around to get the pampering!
But before Pong die of heat is better to go buy some summer clothes! E 'summer's here: D
and organize a party, so a bit of tennis knows more people in celebrating the new cottage and their "delinquency"!
Here are a few guests ... incidentally is new in the neighborhood too!
Nicol's husband tells us that a week has been so-so ... BRAVO! you just did your first race of ungrateful son
u_u But as if taking out is Pong? see ......
slurry O_o! I feel helpless and lost a little dog! BUT Faii? o_O looks that you do not eat mica eh! Niky
do something please!
is good!
you happy eh? ^ _ ^ * Look of complicity between me and Niky *
... and with this helmet (we write so? oo) end their party that was very funny!
And now what? ok ... pretend I did not say anything U_U
study Moment!
Ch obviously takes very little .....
Niky ummm I think you can sorrdere even less .. CEH do not need it O_O
Ok if you have diabetes, high do not look below this fate! I will have no one in consciousness!
Round 2 XD or maybe it's already the 3rd -.-
Pong... dov'è finito il cagnolino disperso e indifeso?
Niky: *smile*
Promozioni&Soldi Time!!
OMG! complimenti!
Direi che possiamo permetterci che tu cambi "lavoro".. se si può chiamare lavoro quello che vuoi fare -.-
Yeppp!! :D
Vi prego basta! XD
Oh! here's discovered the hobby of Niky: D
Niky: "I always love me I look like a calf as pregnant women XD"
I remind you that I have the hack pack inteen with its additional (silent I think pregnancy is called XD) so I do not look for the option of having a child and I can not hear the jingle if she gets pregnant: D so if it remains a surprise even for me!
However, do not feel bad or not vomit so I guess it really is turning into a calf
XD ..... : O forget it! Come on!
No Niky! do not panic! you're just pregnant between 9 months and you will have to pass something as big as a melon, where you know where: D
Spam tummy!
Pong Oh congratulations!
Here's my good boy wizard in my neighborhood is called Avril! now is old (ç_ç) was fantastic, she is a sim 2nd generation and it is really special! I remembered that beautiful blue simmolo dagl'occhi in the cafeteria at the Bay of Belladonna (update 1.2 ) what is his second son: D
Why watch it? you did? O_o
Pong, I understood that you have to check but it seems a bit excessive ... you say?
study Moment!
Get used to these pics! I love when they make these expressions!
's just finished hanging the picture for the baby's room: D photo-risk diabetes
Photo tactic to show you that I've finished decorating the kitchen u_u
If you eat more than nn stuff there after you complain to me ok? looks like a balloon!
2 ° POP!
mhhh ... the belly is a little too big .. I understand that you eat like a calf .. I would not do the owl but that's a belly twins!
Here is my most beautiful sim I was born: D
Autumn is upon us!
not ask me what hits this photo with the autumn!
Pong made a gift to Niky!
Do not be afraid, I remind you that she loves repairs!
Since we are wealthy enough Pong often seeks the job of his dreams but this is always the result:
OMG! PONG! I broke one eye to do all that exercise? O_O
overlook ...... .....
Niky is happy: D eh what the hell I'd say!
Uhhh what a beautiful belly \u0026lt;3
... So, I spent 315 simleon cursed to prevent lightning strikes new trees look here:
I would say very functional! o_O
A scream and a fast moving camera made me realize that it's MOMENTOOOOOOOO! It's more
Niky is home alone! purinaaa! Niky hold on I'm there with you: D
What the heck!
is the first ... Kenuy! : D
comes secondoooo -.-
Niky * tries to put his hand inside her belly *
WTF ?!?!?!? but that skin has? O_______________________O
Niky !!!!!!!!! you perhaps have to tell me something?
o_O OMG! here is perfectly proper, is the son of Pong:
But what is? did you ever?
O_O O_O Oh well we pretend nothing .. then let's recap:
Kenuy: skin-eye mom dad mom-hair. Derek
: ????- skin hair eyes mother-father.
Since I do not want to enlarge the house .. still okay, they've shifted gears to study them in the house Wood just built so I can decorate your nursery!
Fotina spam:
Pong course could help you!
I believe that they are asking questions ..
and perhaps are looking for documentation!
photo to show you up close to you that Derek does not have the skin of neither mother nor the father:
O_O scary!
back to us, that's tennis that he wanted to learn physiology, perhaps to understand something too!
Fotina spam:
Niky Oh good!
Pong is the shit of your children! I do not think the case to do so!
.. and then that makes us Kenyu on the floor? Not even you ò___ò
Niky .. do not really believe that there is a need to look like that there because you saw your son naked! -_-
And stop that if children are watching you as you make them die of fright!
spammino hunting in contemporary
Between hunting and pannoli .. here comes the dreaded time!
I warn you that my toddler does not know why but most of them are deformed but almost all of them luck in raising become normal and cute!
Derek's pie:
Drum roll ...............................
It 's time to Derek:
Strarullo drums !!!!!
But this is not vostro figlio! a chi assomiglia? chi è? O_O
Eccoli messi più decenti e conosciamo il loro carattere!
Trasandato come il babbo -.-
Ecco una fotina assieme dei
In una legacy non può di cetro mancare la faccia da vasino XD
E ora via con un pò di spam dei gemelli!!
Spam della nanna:
E concludiamo questo aggiornamento con lo spam del risveglio:
Finish! I hope you enjoyed! I do not know why but there wanted to upgrade No Central -.-
will never make a perfect upgrade? U_U but the challenge of legacy, this is the real challenge!