Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Boeing Imax Theatre Discount Coupons

explosivem @ 2010-10-20T19: 24:00

DeviantArt turns out to roam always a delightful activity C:

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tech Deck Online Skaten

you would like to raise.

Giorni strani questi. Giorni in cui è il mio malumore a farla da padrone, a condizionare ogni parola che sputo fuori un po' così, come capita, senza fermarmi minimamente a tentare di riflettere su chi mi trovo davanti, ché poi rischio di espormi troppo e non va mica tanto bene. L'essere così vulnerabile non fa per me, odio non riuscire a controllare assolutamente niente di quello che mi sta intorno. Le cose mi piovono addosso e non riesco ad opporre la minima resistenza. Il padre del mio uomo ha l'amante? Bene, avanti il prossimo. L'università è allo sfacelo e molti corsi non partiranno visto che erano tenuti by researchers. And rightly so who makes you do to them to show up in class and take the class if no one recognizes a minimum of respect? Then we see, what else to add? Here, there are. Readers at my university are treated as someone who is there to even bother, or whatever, so what good are they? To teach their language? No, not at all, just a two months a year and already speak German like I was born in Berlin.
I am so demoralized. Especially disappointed. I want to scream, run away, but deep down even I know what I really want.
Perhaps I could simply be the abomination of man ceases to be so immature, that no one should ever become the father of his father and groped for Peipus eyes, put down the bullet and pretend nothing happened, maybe it resolves itself. Nobody but especially you, my love. You deserve someone that makes you happy and instead you find yourself with a girlfriend in tears for the stupid feelings that can not shake off. You deserve the best from the world and instead you're here beside me, the best in the world are not safe. Why I wish I could tell you what I never said, remember that there is no need to pretend that all is well. But I can only stay by your side, curled in your arms, and wake up with a kiss when you sleep next to me. And remember I love you, maybe all will pass, it will be just a bad memory to be closed in a drawer and never reopen, because the errors of our parents are not ours, and I wish you would understand it.
But maybe now everything I say does not make much sense.

© icon by paulimapi

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beeswax Is Eating It Good For You

Should I just make myself a flist, what a passion

because I end up learning the news from dear Will and random enough.

Anyway, how are you, people? \\ O /
This morning I lost miserably to the bus and I went to Temple with her mother and FranciĆ¹, not-for happiness of my wallet: D
After a trip to the supermarket, and a few torn-sandwich, the doors of Lemons we are finally open to me e. .. wonderful! Couture collection of Baroque Pupa \\ o /
After a barrage of glitter on the jacket ("Hi Brother: D) I decided to buy a single enamel, given the outrageously high price of the rest dell'ambaradam.

(Photo? Where are U?)

(ie 'BUT HAVE YOU SEEN ANDY? ANDY! My facebook has had indigestion for capslock, nasty slut!)

Annnnnndy! \\ O /
The real star of this post is his, man faces met in front of a mirror-pa, covers child and de tattoos. I could melt into a contented gurgle but to resist you. Ahh, scrubbed: ° D

I put only the keywords: An (nnnnnn) dy + + nameless Joe! = Drabble baby! \\ O /
ASAP, of course.