Entry! **
on ... Yoko says I have to do a post otherwise I can not manage my Lj ... and I trust!
** By the way I do are a bit 'so long at least see better ..**
I have nothing to say so ... story of my dream last night that so I have to tell anyone, but mica is no need for anyone to read it ..**
The dream begins ....:
It was a dark and stormy night .. ** No, actually I was in an opera house, dressed very pussy and with her hair, wrapped in a blue satin dress that emphasized her breasts that I would be sitting in the private box of the theater more shik, with next nientepopodimenochè ... Hannibal ..** Lecter (for the uninitiated is my fixed time .. and the fact that the dream is highly indicative of the degree of dementia reached .. **) cool to do fear, with which I believed in the dream copulating had previously multiple times, and next to which I was calm and peaceful as I know that next ... to my mother instead of a cannibalistic serial killer .. ** We were watching that piece of theater I do not know (obviously non-existent) acted out entirely by Japanese, and the scene there were lots of characters dressed in strange ways, but still dark, more or less on the brown. Among the guys he stood a / a tucked in a tight white jumpsuit that covered her head as well, and with a strange cloak diamond-shaped, which started from the top of the skull was attached to the wrists and then dropped down to the tip to the ground ... ** This cloak was made of large folds, very stiff, and when the character was standing with his arms lowered white overalls. But all of a sudden this guy gets to center stage with their backs to the audience and raises his arms to the side .. ** With this is something that the folds of the robe open, and the previously covered part of the folds appears tattoo Fay D. Flourite (more my love of the moment who does not know ..** inquired pliz ..**) bird in all its splendor ... **
To which I, still wrapped in my lovely blue satin dress with her hair elegantly collected, mi chino graziosamente verso il mio gentile accompagnatore -che rimane alla mia sinistra, per essere precisi e circostanziali..**- e gli sussurro all'orecchio: " Guarda! E' il tatuaggio di Fay! Questo vuol dire che è stato lui stesso a sigillarsi da solo!". Hannibal the Cannibal, chinandosi con grazia ed eleganza a sua volta verso di me risponde: " Hai ragione! Visto che si trova anche lì non è possibile che sia stato Ashura a creare il sigillo!"
Al che io continuo ad osservare il mantello soddisfatta della mia deduzione logicissima, fino a che il sogno non cambia scenario e luogo...**
Il senso di tutto ciò mi sfugge... però è stato un sogno assai pucci!**
Ecco... diciamo che as a business card from a far enough in my real level of dementia ..**
have been good? **
Now I have a very long post on which to place the stylish in my lj! **
you soon! **
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