Firestarter certainly caused by Zukki ...
Unbelievable but true home PC it works! And it works the internet! What is not normal, here c 'is surely the hand of Zukki XDDDDDDDDD take advantage of this miracle to update!
So, where can I Saturday ... I was starting to sleep from Doda and we have seen the 'anime D.Gray-man (it's an insult to the manga, it sucks) and then we chatted with a microphone with the gem directly from Florence Arashi (gloss over content of the conversation came to mind ... oh God m'è music Shishido, Ran and you know what I mean XD) and then as usual we shot shit up to four thirty in the morning (I need dormireeee) ( no, of caffèèèèèèèèèèèè! I seem Komu ...). In the end we concluded that:
Gakuto-you-even the barrels
Shishido, Atobe to imagine to be the emperor of the universe, you do something heavier
-Jiro is made of sedatives
Hiyoshi-do the pipes but just to be in the group-
Chotaro is a good boy (Ran: * Be careful, looks can be deceiving XD *)
-Taki is stoned. Point.
-Oshitari smokes Cuban cigars
-Kabaji drink to forget, too, Sasaki
-smokes Cuban cigars, in fact they care about him Oshitari
And with this in-depth analysis of the self-destructive vices Hyotei leave you, because this keyboard is too stupid and if I continue to use it or I am being a nervous breakdown or throw it out the window!! Trenitalia
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