Monday, December 25, 2006

Eiffel Tower Party Decor

velluto_nero @ 2006-12-25T20:36:00


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Why Skin On Scrotum Is Pealing

velluto_nero @ 2006-12-23T21:06:00

To everything there is a season, its time to every purpose under heaven.

There is a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot the plants.
A time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build.
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.

a time to seek and a time to lose,
a time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to sew, a time
to be silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How To Build A 9 Volt Fan Boat

I bought the new coat

Simplify the new coat is beautiful, I are from God look like an idol j-rock!
(This post could also save ...)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Respiration Rates Of Reptiles Vs. Temperature

Firestarter certainly caused by Zukki ...

Unbelievable but true home PC it works! And it works the internet! What is not normal, here c 'is surely the hand of Zukki XDDDDDDDDD take advantage of this miracle to update!
So, where can I Saturday ... I was starting to sleep from Doda and we have seen the 'anime D.Gray-man (it's an insult to the manga, it sucks) and then we chatted with a microphone with the gem directly from Florence Arashi (gloss over content of the conversation came to mind ... oh God m'è music Shishido, Ran and you know what I mean XD) and then as usual we shot shit up to four thirty in the morning (I need dormireeee) ( no, of caffèèèèèèèèèèèè! I seem Komu ...). In the end we concluded that:
Gakuto-you-even the barrels

Shishido, Atobe to imagine to be the emperor of the universe, you do something heavier
-Jiro is made of sedatives
Hiyoshi-do the pipes but just to be in the group-
Chotaro is a good boy (Ran: * Be careful, looks can be deceiving XD *)
-Taki is stoned. Point.
-Oshitari smokes Cuban cigars
-Kabaji drink to forget, too, Sasaki
-smokes Cuban cigars, in fact they care about him Oshitari
And with this in-depth analysis of the self-destructive vices Hyotei leave you, because this keyboard is too stupid and if I continue to use it or I am being a nervous breakdown or throw it out the window!! Trenitalia

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Samsung Satellite Receiver Dsr 2800c/1

Another train mishap ...

strikes again! Today I arrived in Novara at 9.10 and as usual I had to take the Borgomanero of 9.18 on the sixth track. I go to the track and the sixth I see a train, the poster said it was precisely the Borgomanero delle9.18, to be sure I asked a lady on the train and she confirmed it to me, then I sat down. The train has left and after a few minutes you hear the warning that says the stops, too bad there was not among those Borgo! In a few words were misspelled on the poster so I and another thirty nerds (ie rest of the train) we were wrong train! Eventually, I fell in Romagnano praying that there was a train, a bus, anything to take me to the Village. There was not. After a couple of phone calls I managed to find (Deo Gratias! Indeed Zia Antonella Gratias!) My aunt came to pick me up. If I come out alive from the university and then I can do a book about bad luck railroad that are happening to me!
Apart from that the week went quite well: I found a very interesting manga shop, I bought the jam berries (after it has dreamed for two hours of anthropology lesson XD) and we finally have the tv in the room! ! Koji's double and his gang pirleggiano as usual the other night at around 2 were playing Jingle Bells! Tomorrow evening I will take the guitar Torino, so I can play with them xDDDDD

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Ocs Security Clearance

Lucca Comics!

Friday (the day of departure to Lucca) was started in the best way: I staged the dramatic death of Yukimura on the train when I could not get off to Santhià because the doors were all broken, I ran for three cars pulled behind the trolley until damn, now in front of the only working port the train is broken, the bag got stuck in a seat and I collapsed on my knees with outstretched arm towards the door shouting "Noooooo !!!!" and everyone looked at me very badly. In the end I went down to Novara em'è gone ass that I found a train that started in the village within 20 minutes.

This time I did not cosplay because it was too cold and I have not had time to do the hairstyle, but the show was fantastic the same: they are all successful colors, from the terrible car trip with children who battered me with a Card Captor Sakura, Pokemon and other things with the game of football (Sakura rompicoglioniiii!! Let's settle the pokemon with Tezuka Zoneeeee!) (it was a liberating scream ^_^), anyway I came out alive. I Ran and we were witnesses of paranormal phenomena that had as its protagonist Zukki (instead it was only then Paperissima XDDD) on which to draw a merciful veil, we spent the night to shoot shit up Tenimyu, Tenipuri, PuriPuri etc., type : couples slash more hallucinatory, the cousin and aunt Kouji Aiba, tear-jerking or spastic projects doujinshi ...

The next morning we managed to wake up before everyone and get ready to finish last (there was a small incident with the custom of Ran), a beautiful scene at breakfast: it was so cold Executioner, c 'frost was everywhere and the windows were frozen, I was freezing even on a jacket and sweater, Ran out in shorts and sandals and says, "But it does not mica cold! It's fine! "

Then we arrived at the show and after we released the little kids we met our gem and we have begun to Arashi sclera with Kazuki, KenKen & co.

practice most we spent the day fooling around with the cosplay, the first Arashi (which made me the set for the RPG) and Diana (who cosplay Allen D.Gray-man and the median was our innocence XDDD ) then Kiu and his group (* _ * beautiful costumes that they too were D.Gray-man). I had a moment of depression such as "they are all in cosplay but me and I used to bring the baggage T ^ T" while the others ate ramen in the box (was the soupy odoraccio / vegetable ramen made me depressed ...) but then I recovered after a visit to the bench Ysal (Ore-sama no damn not this time! And they had done well doujinshi of D.Gray-man T_T) where I bought two dou, a FujiZuka Komeya and the one on Hyotei and Yamabuki (I noticed that when I start to become aggressive to shop, after buying the dou I started to tear down all that was on my way to achieve the following stand O_o) .

No more shopping we found a group of Kiu and we're still a bit 'around, then came time to leave we found ourselves again with Arashi and the others (I find that to recruit an entire crew of pirates in 2 seconds is enough to say: "We Piroshi that sbunta cakes" XDDD), we finally decided to make the cosplay of Hyotei (in school uniform, not tennis though, so it's easier) (I went from a Gakuto Shishido and Atobe I do now) to the Cosplay of May (in February I have to play with the group that he lacks Hagrites Izumi) and then we said goodbye. It was awful back in the car with children gasagonfiati purchases, I banged in the nose every three seconds Sakura cards and Pokemon that squeaks, and they can not read my dou T ^ T, especially after they blew the Pan di Stelle package and one of them has occupied the seat and fell asleep snoring like a bear who could not even hear the music (Ran bought the three soundtracks Hagrites)!

We arrived home at 9.30 (pretty soon) and I immediately immersed in the fantastic Pot of the world of doujinshi!

From tomorrow I will begin the research component of the currency of Hyotei (the drama will find a wig to make Ore-sama ...)

And anyway, just for the record, is a person of KenKen Zukki Balls and scary but not it hurts, does not want much, much too good ?!?!? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Friday, October 27, 2006

Fraudulent Ontario Drivers License

kurenai87 @ 2006-10-27T16: 16:00

Lucca Comics'm arrivandooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if he had not realized I have confirmed that you go to Lucca Comics XD

Stent For 100% Blocked

Noooo, the heart of apple fell on his head to Mizuki!!

The other day I happened to one of those things that make you seriously think about whether what you have in the skull is a brain or a marine sponge. I was late to go to class and do not know what I got in the closet, only that I must have hit the bag where I have all my supplies for breakfast, so the heart of apple fell sull'astuccio landing where I keep makeup brushes and pencils and I thought (unwittingly) "Nooooo, the heart of apple fell on his head to Mizuki !!!!" So, from what I deduce that my case the trick is called Mizuki?! ?! Sometimes I do fear alone O_o ...
Besides these manifestations of Alzheimer runaway, this week went well: in the English test I was placed at the intermediate level (Ie average) and that's fine, I knew a bit 'of people, I have changed so now the room is no longer alone in building B where there is nobody there and broke the bad (now I also the fridge in the room, the phone works and to Erika's tomorrow so I can bring the TV to see Takeshi's Castle XDDD) and I had lunch with "Orlando"! I found out that his name is Angelo, he is also the first year, he studied philosophy, read manga (Hagrites and D.Gray-man) and perhaps will be in Lucca and will do a group cosplay of D.Gray-man!! As for my cosplay (Tsunade-sama) in Lucca will not do it because I can not finish it on time and then you break me feet sandals and die from the cold, so this time I will be "middle class", too bad, I had taken a liking to cosplay XDDD
However Doda and I decided that if we really have to go (because he is not sure yet , fingers crossed> _ \u0026lt;...) we will do the film of the day with all the highlights and the best of our shit XDDDD
My mom bought another cactus, I called this Piroshi.

Pinnacle 150e Driver And Program

BBBooohhh ... And that sucks ..**

Since I posted the first part of the epic also posed the following ..**
For some reason that escapes me is ... Benedict was admitted to this specialization course! **
really do not know why ... I had a miniskirt, I did not push up, so I was not rigged, I had brought sausage, and photos of the paintings were too blurry ..**
Okay come on, we thank the lord! **
Now only remains for me to understand that times have to follow, which are the years and that Prof. hours ...
Think that sounds easy? **
Opprovate to reach the secretariat of the Academy and then tell me! **

The hardest part of the entry starts now ...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Does Safeway Sell Pregnancy Tests

Bakazawa has arrived! New wallpaper

New entry for my collection of cacti: cacti were now on offer at the supermarket and my mother bought a strange cactus leaves red-purple, which I quickly renamed Bakazawa!

Diego Rivera Description Of The Agitator

To the delight of Ran I made a new wallpaper Kouji

Fucibet Cream Ingrown Hair

The university is chaos ...

here I am again, back from the first week of university (including though in truth I was only three days in Turin because until I started Japanese classes only until Wednesday). Although I have chosen the option of more disorganized Italy, somehow I've gotten on Monday had not yet precise times so I cazzeggiano for Turin throughout the afternoon, just to pass the time I went to the Natural History Museum where I had a terrible attack of homesickness: I wanted to embrace the stuffed polar bear because it was white and soft as my Minni ^ _ ^. Tuesday I went to the first lessons: English literature which speaks of yaoi and practically only the ghost of Hamlet, except where anthropology comes with 20 minutes before you make your ass picture sitting on the floor because the room is overcrowded and general linguistics where we studied the speech of Roger Rabbit (in return for the second lesson we spent half an hour to do "Pah!" to study the word "potato").
I already knew a bit 'of people, including the double of Orlando Bloom which I did with head on the bus (it's a long and stupid story XDDDD), but in the evening at home I'm bored to death: there is no living soul around, I do not have TV or PC and mobile phone takes just lying in bed if I'm (also called home is a business), I know that next week I bring Tsunade costume sewing, at least do something useful ... and to stay on the subject of cosplay, maybe you go to Lucca Comics! It is still not 100% sure (Doda studies, that if you get bad grades and do not let you throw in food for the sharks) (I am the captain, so I can è_é) so fingers crossed and hopefully good ...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How To Make A Tom Brown Tracker .

Here I am, again ...

Tired of being inserted into silly categories.
Tired of being judged.
Tired of school-work-home.
Tired of this policy of them do you make money too.
Tired of always having to prove that they are better than others.
Tired of worrying about other people's opinions.
Tired of matching the colors of my clothes.
Tired of all this shit.
Tired of hypocrites who pretend to be friends.
Tired of having to justify it.
Tired of unnecessary explanations.
Tired of always doing what is best.
Tired of being looked at from top to bottom.
Tired of all of you.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Digital Play Ground Movies For Sale

This morning I was supposed to do selection interview for this most blessed two-year specialization of the Academy ... ** (Which I would have the master's level Faig more than I have now which is equivalent to a Bachelor Short ..**)
What do you think happened? .. Arrival
already quite there. concern given that the jobs available are a sputazzo with a cold madosca scooter, e. ..
The interview is postponed until 18!
But what torment ..** ** Why does this damn Uni COSI 'so disgusting?
Enough! I subscribe to do Medicine and the psychiatrist! I feel I have portatissima ..**

To comfort me I'll show everyone my beautiful cell brand new, purchased pefforza since my previous V3i cost over 250 € sweat of the brow of my tenants, I was cleverly stolen from the A-style mobile phone holder by two Lithuanians while I was on the train that brought me to Pisa from Stiava (which I would then lead drove to Castiglione ..**).
I must say that it was nice to put the appointment in the complaint 'facets of small piglets stylized whites and blacks'..**
Behold the glory! **: (I majalini course I put them here too, so if somebody stole it again I can make another complaint shik ..**)

And because it's too soon and I have nothing to do I'll tell you another dream!
** Last night I dreamed VEGETA !>____\u0026lt;
Obviously that sucks, I do not hardly ever ..** Fikia Want to be like the day that sees something and is mathematically that if the Risognanze night ..* * If I like her for 4 years now with Vegeta I would have done 145 times kamasutra ..**
anyway! Since no
Fikia as I have not done anything with Vegeta in the dream .. But! **
was very pucci ..**

For some reason that escapes me we were prisoners in a tiny room that could be ... boh ... a boiler? ** A utility ?..** I only know that he was completely 'painted' a quite shiny paint (you know the ones that go well outside of Ferry ..** waterproof, so it occurs to me that it could be a boiler ..**) ..** cream-colored walls with a series of pipes of various sizes from the floor and ended up doing well on the ceiling a few corners a bit 'strange, this stuff always lacquered cream. There was also a cylindrical barilozzo not too big, always Lakshadweep cream, leaning against the right wall, attached to the front with a sort of circular pressure meter, with an arrow pointed to the red-Aug 11 or so, bobbing slightly .. ** It could be a heater, a temperature control device, a so checaspitaioprobabilmentenulla ...** In fact we were handcuffed this crate sochecaspitaio-I to a tube and just above him cylindrical-and the stuff we discussed the fact that we had to escape.
What's disturbing is that I was convinced we were locked up for years in what for me was a maximum security prison seemed a pity that a boiler ..** ..** It was Vegeta who just told me that once you leave from there we had to immediately move away from Italy because we were now being hunted by the police and I listened convinced
..** But about Vegeta ...** It was really cool in this dream! > \u0026lt;Alto more or less like me-not counting **- hair wearing a black T-shirt rather tight, with very short sleeves but not a vest that made him a lot of beautiful folds across the chest ..** A belt of his trousers and brown skin blacks that well .. stood very well ..**
While watching him I had a feeling-type ... I do not know if you ever ..** that indefinable feeling that you feel when you look at a man and you feel you want but at the same time you know it's yours! ..
It was beautiful watching him in this dream! **
Then he moved with elegance .. > \u0026lt;
was calm and convinced, as I do the rest. We knew we would run away shortly thereafter.
He tinkered with his handcuffs as he talked with me, and suddenly you can not leave. Then comes to me and breaks the pipe to which I was tied, so I'm free but always handcuffed Then ..** point simply go out the door of this boiler, which is open, and we look around to see if there is anyone. There is no one and we start running out the building, so I can see that we are running 4 seconds from my house ..**
For once-rare thing in my dreams, my house is exactly my house .. ** There's nothing different. We enter through the kitchen door, where we expect my mother and my sister, who tell us that we have prepared the flight and pack your bags and we must hurry. We begin to discuss the escape into the corridor at the bottom of the stairs when we hear a knock at the door vigorously. My mother Livia and promptly go to the door to keep out the chaff, and say to me and Vegeta climbing upstairs for not being discovered. I climb the stairs to the first and sit cross-legged on top of the landing, then I motioned to Vegeta to follow that up the stairs and squats almost stealthily on my legs around the torso and arms ..** I have to say that in all that mess I was just happy that he had put on me ..**
From the landing we hear what they say what we think of Mom and Livia were policemen, who tell us that we are Vegeta and I just ran away and we must be Variety ... So what do ?..** My mom, my sister and two police officers left their homes and ... started calling me! ** What we know as cats or dogs runaways capita ..** ..** The tone was
In all this, however, Livia and mother away from the door leaving it unattended, and I saw a shadow that stands at the bottom of the stairs I understand that the two-fake-out cops were just a diversion to divert my mom and my sister, and Instead the criminals that we chased after the police were coming home to find us ..**
I realize the danger and beat Vegeta on the shoulder to warn him and let him see the figure below that is close (he was shot to me, and not to scale), then I launch quickly into the bathroom of my father, and while I'm running-... extension simply that I still had the handcuffs on his wrists ...** Not without a little 'effort I have to say, but all things come out as bracelets if they were a bit 'tight ..** Once in Bango I try to open the window just enough to get out and go on the roof, from where they could escape going into the garden of Papini. Now ... I doubt you can remember the bath room of my father, but is a window that opens type door truck, which is fixed at the bottom that is coming towards you, for more nailed to the wall with a chain so that we can not open that much .. understand for themselves that is not easy to leave a gap so small. And in fact I can hardly ..** I'm out with almost half of the body in the bathroom when a guy shows bald and fat with a black leather jacket that looks at me grinning ...**

A 'point, however, I am the alarm sounds, do not know how I would continue the dream, though usually a subsidiary of the situation when I do not like change
...** I have this strange ability to' see 'the dream .. XDDD

course on everything I said and more!
Good start of October to celebrate all ..**

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Corbin Fisher Or Randy Blue

Happy Birthday Minnie!

Today my Minni takes 12 years! Greetings Sausage XDDDD

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Medicaid Vision In Florida

Kodona Style ...

Kodona, Oujisama, Dandy Gothic ... call it what you like 'I look, the fact is that I was a Saturday Where's My Car! (At the side of modesty ... but who cares!)
I had to go for a ride in Novara with Ran and Kappa, so I decided to take advantage of the trip in the big city to test my new black gothicheggianti dancers, just that I did not want to put them with jeans, then in the end I am putting blacks capri pants, red shirt rocker with silver lettering (because the had to be ironed white shirt) and black velvet jacket. The end result was perfect: I would not be bad either on the Gothic & Lolita Bible with my nail polish and white checkered blacks (which cover much of D. Gray Man) and the bag of black and white Kappa (Marika: "Even Mana has its own line of clothing and accessories, so why can not I have her ?!?!"). I am not even due makeup, my dark circles are a perfect natural look with this XDDDD.
Closed the parenthesis on how I was cured, I am so much fun Saturday, we stayed an hour to try jewelry earrings and necklaces (I got a new series with a gothic cross and earrings spider), after which we passed to another Upim proof enamels and various tricks.
And of course, as usual, we pulled out the usual pearls of wisdom:
-The response of the Kisarazu twins is: "Go into the sink!" What a cool-
Mana's hair, how you want them too!
-The Japanese course in audio tapes held by Professor
Shirota Yuu - "Why are looking at that sweater comes to mind Zukki?" "Why only Zukki would wear such a combination of colors!"
-Senpai, you have red hair Gakuto !! But the prof-
design will always look as if you were the first wet day O_o?
-The cosplay for Halloween Nekozawa
Among other things I may have also remedied an invitation for Halloween, always if I'm still at home because if they are in Turin is impossible to return to town Tuesday night and be there again on Wednesday morning ...

Monday, October 2, 2006

Hot Cheetos Affects Health

Castiglione! **

obviously on these three days in Castiglione a beautiful post on LJ!
** E 'was great, I quite enjoyed it, especially talking about tampax pussy and swollen in the cinema hall till midnight ..**
Sparrow is very cool, but I love the Craker can not help it ..**
not brought me the dj sm SasuNaru and then I put his picture best ...**
Basically the process of this thing was that we had not the intangible ..** at hand and I did not remember at all that Sasuuuke raised so much ...** So came bracccio holes' is what, together with the fact that I could not in any way to remove the sword from its sheath without holding the sleeve in question ... ** From that came up with the idea that this was the cut scene of Sasuuuke who can not draw the sword in the scene toppica ..**

should be posted another sumptuous of me and now that Fikia I ..**
update Tomorrow! **

PS Ah!
I made another icon fast that at least got to do in the LJ, (but not here makes me put fetoso ..** replyerò ..**) only this came to me for a reason that orange ...** always escapes me when I will have more scans shik trying to figure out where I'll just make the mistake ..** ..** XDDD So

License Rescue/columbus Ohio

Cosplayyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New graphics

My first cosplayyyy! I did Izumi from FMA and Naruto Temari Ran (no fan because of problems with the paint, but it goes well, it came very well anyway!). This was absolutely the best Cosplay of all those who have gone! The Ran have recognized already at the station while I was in despair because no one would recognize me, then we met Phil, an English friend of Ran (amongst others are also able to hold a conversation in English!) Too fond of Pot and Tenimyu (unforgettable the chorus of "wa Katsuni Hyotei" we improvised in the courtyard of the hotel XDDD) and just arrived at the show we literally thrown on the bench Ysal who had piles of stuff and PoT doujinshi (unfortunately they had run out of Atobe plushie suit cool , the only Ore-sama that I had found a kind of mask with the face of Kabaji! was unwatchable ...) then we shot a little '(I left my heart to Black Mokona plushie giant, but it was a bit 'too expensive T ^ T), in the end I found only 2 numbers of Angel Sanctuary and called "Merveilles" Malice Mizer (Gackt photobook and "Mizerable", whose cover photo alone has caused me faint ... Madoi that cool ... XQ) (but what was even more expensive than Mokona, so ...). After that the miracle happened. Ran asked the pose for a photo and then (probably because I was pathetic) they asked me too, so I am putting into alchemist pose with folded hands ... and suddenly everyone knew who I was cosplay! !

Then from good to better, and I el'Oliver we camped for lunch I met a group cosplay Hagrites that Izumi was missing, so I combined them (unfortunately we can not exchange addresses because we are parties ahead of schedule T_T ... but I gave the address my lj to the girl who was Lust, I hope I can find because I have a terrible doubt it is spelled wrong ^ _ ^) and we took lots of photos (including one with my myth Hughes and a shooting in which a pound And in head XDDDD) as soon as I Ran passes the place!

Making cosplay is simply amazing, especially when asked to pose for the photos you (for this I bothered everyone with my cookbook XDDD)! Besides, I found to be more attractive in cosplay dressed normal: I did impress Captain Harlock XDDDD ... Ah, but there is between pirates XDDDD (but you have to do the pirate cosplay gothic lolita) (and also that of Hyotei: the Shishido Giuly would be willing to do so I can I do if I find a wig that flies Gakuto-kun, as having done a bit artistic gymnastics' of the stunts I can do XD)

all for today, now I have to try to remove the tattoo before Izumi guilty of some other red shirt, then I salute you with the usual Pah! and the next (when maybe I'll get the picture)!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Volleyball Camel Toe Spandex

Giffff ...

Since 'is giff I did about 4 times larger than the maximum allowed in a LJ, but being my first (and I think last ...**) fatigue 'animation' I'm glad to be shown to public ridicule
...** I put it here in the middle of the post! **

hope that you see on the move obviously ..**

The original is in color, but for some reason, optimizing them to me lever ..**
Snapp I will tell why!> \u0026lt;
I think that this post will elect to museum of animated gifff ..** If you make post them here! XDDD

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tally Memory Accessviolation

As you noticed I changed the graphics of livejournal, but Atobe-persecution continues, it's been a long time I wanted to do something with this wonderful fan art (but how do you draw and cosììììììììììì ?!?!? especially: how do you paint a computer cosììììììììììì ?!?!?) and I finally used for the header of the blog * _ *

all for today, I greet you with a warm Pah! and the next one!

What Is The Average Neck Size For A Woman

Test! **

This morning I enjoyed it very badly and I created a test Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
...** I have not the foggiest idea about what is going ...** posting here (although it says it is then I Fikia I trust blindly ... **)
Click here to find out everything you never wanted to know about yourself
But most of me ..** ..**

What do you do?
Oh ... nothing special ^ ^ around a bit 'here, a little' beyond ... ^ ^
I have to protect the person who is most important to me!
Ah ... I ... ZZZzzZZzzz
trade agree ... **
I am a ninja! Why do not you see??
The simultaneous translator! ^ O ^

What is your favorite type of clothing?
Tsz! Just as it's black!
Just be Ghei! ^ ^
Ah .. So ... I really like the pink e. .. Zzzzzzz
Just that it is adequate to defend the person who is most important to me!
long as it's low-cut ... **
Never did me! ^ O ^

What is your favorite food?
The birthday cakes of the person who is most important to me!
everything is fine, just eat! And stop stealing my stuff from the pot you!
How good! Another piece! ^ O ^
Ah ... I like the sweets that much-... Zzzzzzzz
Chocolate St. Valentino .. **
Oh, I eat a bit 'of everything! ^ ^ Apart ...

And what you hate most?
... raw fish ... > _ \u0026lt;
Chocolate Valentine's Day!
What I do not like the person who is most important to me!
N-I do not know ... perhaps-I do not like ... Zzzzzzz
bread without salt .. **
I eat everything! ^ O ^

What's your nickname?
now the most important person to me calling me with the-kun ... çH
I? I do not have nicknames! ^ ^ But I love to give! ^ ^ Kuro-chan, Kuro-pon Kuro-rin, Kuro-uanuan ... ^ ^
JE NE suis pas A Toutou!
Someone I called the high priestess of the scale ... **
Ah ... everyone calls me princess ever, although I do not remember-... Zzzzzzz
Mokona is Mokona! ^ O ^

How old are you?
do not ask a lady's age, ill-mannered .. **
Ah ... n-I-I do not remember ... ... Zzzzzz
The years that I have are the ones that I spent close to the person more important to me!
Happy! ^ ^
As many?! You can not be older than me!
Tantiiissimi! ^ O ^

Are you engaged?
N-I do not remember ... I. .. Zzzzzzz
enough for me to stay close to the most important person to me!
No! I am married! ^ _ ^
Mokona is best man! ^ O ^
It was a time ...

What is your greatest skill?
well I have 108! ^ O ^
Oh really? 108 And what are these skills? ^ _ ^
not escape the question! O you with my larger limbs skills!
I hope to be strong enough to protect the most important person to me!
P-I think not ... able to do anything at all-... Zzzzzzz
I'm good in trade ...**

What is the most important person to you?
Ah! This I know! > \u0026lt;The most important people for me are Mr. Fay, Mr. Kurogane, Mokona Mr. and Mr. Shaolan!> \u0026lt; (Because I do not remember anyone else to know ...)
Oh God .... Sakura-hime was able to answer a question without falling asleep! I'm crying for joy ... ç_ç
Mokona loves everyone! ^ O ^
The most important person to me is Kuro-chan! ^ _ ^
liar you are! But you're not at all the most important person to me! But nothing at all!
Next question? **

speak often with the empty chairs?
.... In fact every now and then I-capit ... Zzzz
I would if I would serve to protect the most important person to me!
E 'experience to do in life! ^ ^
It 's a trick question, I feel it!
We just jump on it! ^ O ^

How many times a week do you have sex?
O / / / / O
^ o ^
^ __-BLINK!

Ovviamonji has no links to the results, but I think it is difficult to see what comes out the answers by clicking ..**

Nigo. Ok

Monday, September 25, 2006

Play Simpsons Hit And Run Onine

Shopping with Sengoku!

With the excuse that in a month go to Turin for college my mother got into her head to make my wardrobe and he funded a week of shopping spree, I bought:
-trainers (with colors of Hyotei XD)
-a pair of black flats that are perfect as well as being comfortable to look like gothic lolita or kodona
-foam to make purple hair (but made me promise not to do so at least the first day of school)
-blacks capri pants, which are good for both Izumi cosplay that look kodona
-white shirt, even that is good for the look kodona
pajama-up with the cows (the cow Tezuka! XDDDD)
-vanilla scent and files that the Upim cost less than € 3 a village, so I took advantage
-towel on the bed with a Wolf, also with the colors of Hyotei XD
What amazed me was the fact that the pants are a 44 and I are also a bit 'wide (instead of the shirt is 48, and it is strange also that because of usually the 48 I can not even connect, I do not know what I mean ...), only the beginning of summer I was 48! Responsible of the whole exercise I'm doing? Do not know, because I pretty much just the abdomen, but the belly is still all that sbunta here. On the other hand my hips are slimming, now I sbuntano bones even when they are standing!
At this point you may ask what does all this in Sengoku, but it is a long and terrifying story that I'm not going to write XDDD.

Baixar Gratis Episodeos Bang Bros

Chinese food and pirates

finally got to eat Chinese again, they were years I dreamed of rice with pineapple and shrimp ravioli XQ
the afternoon Ran came to me so we met the last two episodes of PuriPuri (sigh, it's finished, I will miss KenKen with her pink dress XD), especially the ninth episode had me rolling on the floor laughing, when there is Natasha -sempai to the rescue. Then we fooling around with the Faith courses until dinner, when we found ourselves with Giuli and we went to eat at China. It was all delicious (we ate like pigs stuffed and we have spent only 12 €! "This was my comment out of the restaurant XD), are also able to eat with chopsticks almost decently, except pineapple rice spantegare around for the entire table (the play is that what I did with the spoon, not chopsticks!). After that we went to the cinema to make up for eyes with Captain Jack Sparrow (but Orlando Bloom was not to be sneezed at XD), and Ran's just that I continued to laugh, especially at the end when there was a giant octopus that destroyed To save the ship and fired guns and Ran says: "Roasted Octopus ..." and I said, "Hmmm ... good!"

Blue Sparkle Jelly Bands

What I like Japanese horror XD

I recently saw "Silent" and "Ie Kaidan" two horror movies which starred Zukki respectively (tanned as Yanagi, pauraaaa!) and Aiba, as I laughed ... because I saw them in original language without subtitles, so I did not understand a club, however there really is to die with laughter, especially in the scene where Sadako Aiba see that attempts to strangle her grandmother and begins to scream like a girl XDDD or when the protagonist of "Silent" sclera because he takes the phone, then starts running around like crazy and then passes out even, perhaps with subtitles I would have understood the drama of the situation, but it is much more fun XD

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Los Hombres De Paco Ful

Entry! **

on ... Yoko says I have to do a post otherwise I can not manage my Lj ... and I trust!
** By the way I do are a bit 'so long at least see better ..**

I have nothing to say so ... story of my dream last night that so I have to tell anyone, but mica is no need for anyone to read it ..**
The dream begins ....:
It was a dark and stormy night .. ** No, actually I was in an opera house, dressed very pussy and with her hair, wrapped in a blue satin dress that emphasized her breasts that I would be sitting in the private box of the theater more shik, with next nientepopodimenochè ... Hannibal ..** Lecter (for the uninitiated is my fixed time .. and the fact that the dream is highly indicative of the degree of dementia reached .. **) cool to do fear, with which I believed in the dream copulating had previously multiple times, and next to which I was calm and peaceful as I know that next ... to my mother instead of a cannibalistic serial killer .. ** We were watching that piece of theater I do not know (obviously non-existent) acted out entirely by Japanese, and the scene there were lots of characters dressed in strange ways, but still dark, more or less on the brown. Among the guys he stood a / a tucked in a tight white jumpsuit that covered her head as well, and with a strange cloak diamond-shaped, which started from the top of the skull was attached to the wrists and then dropped down to the tip to the ground ... ** This cloak was made of large folds, very stiff, and when the character was standing with his arms lowered white overalls. But all of a sudden this guy gets to center stage with their backs to the audience and raises his arms to the side .. ** With this is something that the folds of the robe open, and the previously covered part of the folds appears tattoo Fay D. Flourite (more my love of the moment who does not know ..** inquired pliz ..**) bird in all its splendor ... **
To which I, still wrapped in my lovely blue satin dress with her hair elegantly collected, mi chino graziosamente verso il mio gentile accompagnatore -che rimane alla mia sinistra, per essere precisi e circostanziali..**- e gli sussurro all'orecchio: " Guarda! E' il tatuaggio di Fay! Questo vuol dire che è stato lui stesso a sigillarsi da solo!". Hannibal the Cannibal, chinandosi con grazia ed eleganza a sua volta verso di me risponde: " Hai ragione! Visto che si trova anche lì non è possibile che sia stato Ashura a creare il sigillo!"
Al che io continuo ad osservare il mantello soddisfatta della mia deduzione logicissima, fino a che il sogno non cambia scenario e luogo...**

Il senso di tutto ciò mi sfugge... però è stato un sogno assai pucci!**

Ecco... diciamo che as a business card from a far enough in my real level of dementia ..**
have been good? **

Now I have a very long post on which to place the stylish in my lj! **
you soon! **


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Florida Medicaid Vision Benefits

I would say this speaks for itself ...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Abercrombie And Fitch Sizes Run Small

Polli, and musical madness! The

here I am again, back from the white Borgomanero night, with several hours of sleep deprived, the view that I should be together, and stomach traumatized by the crap I ate this weekend (mostly because it sucked the sequence in which I ate, eg yogurt flatbread with gorgonzola-fig-crack-berry slush the coca cola). But I'll use my last bit of energy before falling into hibernation until Wednesday (which I have to wake up my guitar and then to force ^_^), to tell everything that has happened!
For a change, the program was: I, Ran and Kappa (which unfortunately is not able to come to the end) around Borgo a fuck until dawn. In the end it was just me and Ran, which we managed to just get rid of my mom we went in search of marzipan bench to celebrate the first anniversary of the banana gingerbread (it's a long and stupid story, however, do not think evil XD), but we found it (the bananas, the house was, but we could not break the tradition by changing the fruit!) so we decided to take a good crack that must have reacted in a devastating way with crushed ice that we took after, so we continued to laugh and sclera as a drunk, in particular jumped out of those speeches are on bananas, Tenipuri, KenKen and Kazuki, Host Club, and also on a certain boy of my acquaintance.
Here begins the fun, we were discussing some alleged "quality" (Who wants to understand to understand, or else go and see the idol Dvd KenKen ago when the vertical XDDDD) before KenKen and Kazuki, then this one, which I believe to be half a world away, or at least the Mediterranean, and Instead I find myself in front of nothing! At this point I have made a face like Taka-san upset by Shishido imitates him in DL3, but then I regained control of the situation and after chatting a bit, 'he was in a hurry and had to go. The fact is that I liked him (or piece?!? No longer even know ...) and I wanted to tell him to take one, but at the same time I was not sure, then Ran literally dragged me to look for him, because true friends are those who do not want when the declared type you like, you oblige us by force
XD Anyway, we made up and down the same course four times and we have not found, then we resumed our activities crap shoot ( or rather, shoot trimming, it is not the same thing!) and then after searching my mother (the only one with the house keys) across the center we returned home and spent the night laughing, insult poultry (Baka cock!) and write by the light of phone book on the date of the next morning we reached an incredible record of no less than three pages of meaningless phrases actually spoken during the evening. These are the best:
-Takuya becomes a tree-
Takuya it takes to make the Ikea, but the instructions are in Finnish
-Takuya it takes to make wood, the wood does it take to make the tree
-c 'in this sentence is too much wood
-poor my coffee table!
-tables, bananas, Kazuki pacifist ... me dizzy @ _ @
-c 'is a lot of people ... Takuya Shio, Ken ...
-I, Shio and Ken are the harem of Takuya
-psychedelic cherry!
-Completion of motion to place under the truck
-I I go to Kazuki and I do not see anymore!
-Kazuki'm going to live because it has a beautiful dining room
-Piroshi on the cake with! You do not have mica-
the banana Kouji?!
-Ni: 2 letters, 1000
-functions now begin 90 years of laughter
-the boy who is the idiot with the phon-
Ohtori ... Good heavens!
-open the door and find the pizzeria
Host Club-Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
acrobatic pizza
-Honey Honey-eat pizza
Haru-grown basil pizza
-Mori normal
Nekozawa-buy pizza with anchovies
-Ohtori as pizza delivery boy Fry of Futurama
Tamaki-French waiter with a mustache curled at Shirota (this was the series of pizzeria Host Club XD)
-Bakazawa goodnight
-Bakazawa Director solarium
-technical Kabaji of tanning beds
-Bakazawa testimonial of self-tanning-
Gakuto, Jiro and Bunta promoter solarium
But it is still dark, because they sing 'sti roosters? But they're jerks? Ah, the roosters of today ... I'm using
-scribe how ... "" I noticed "" At least you do not write in hieroglyphs on ancient clay tablets, with a chisel and a wig of wool! "
-morrow we go to see the floats with shadows of Death Note
-Zukki is a loser pippaiolo
-Takumi you roll on the beach for 20 miles that seems like a dead tossed by the tide, and at least Kazuki KenKen do with style!
-Nagayan has hidden qualities
-6 in the morning and have not slept in 2 days. Do not expect me to mental operations.
-Thank you ... Fuck you!
-Chi is that I know who lives in Nagoya?
to Gravitation-haired ball!
- "I'm sitting on the chair of ore-sama!" "If you write" crazy "becomes the chair of Komu"

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Myamee Hair Love Money

Rudolphiani are among us!

began the invasion of Earth by Rudolphiani! The other day while me and my mom would put in order the woodshed at some point in the middle of the sawdust and pieces of wood we found the rudolphiani spaceship (actually a little surprise kinder ^_^)!!!
Oh well, besides the discovery of this invasion alien, several things have happened this week: Monday I Ran the Kappa and we met after so much time for fooling the center so we did (passing 1 hour and a half in perfumery that Kappa should buy a perfume of vanilla at the end we were drunk and we made the comic on the road to open it XD) (And even there I found the shampoo to my hair purple ...), Since then the comic was still closed we went to the library where the Kappa has threatened to give us indecent books for Christmas. Finally we went up to me and we continued to shoot shit up and PuriPuri Tenimyu until evening, when I start the video with treason in the cooking lesson and kung fu and KenKen Ran for fear it is hidden under the XDDDD bed!! Idem
Thursday, we had to go to the Kappa, but there have been a bit of trouble and eventually came only RAN up to me and we started to design the trailer for "The King in the shadows" the new film written and directed by Takumi with us (you will see some beautiful ... it is a threat XD).
Friday, despite my scary andthe delay of a quarter of an hour we went to the market where I bought forty pounds of food and I found that the cosplay of Hyotei you can do, with a budget of around 20 euros (not so in my opinion. ..) and I also tried to convince the Kappa Oshitari to do, but no success ...
Well, the news more or less serious end there, because I do eve of an lj cut (so much to do ...) we'll put all the idiotic things that I have passed in the mind in the last two days !
Before starting I would like an infinitely wise words that I said Ran the other day: "Within the limits of madness, you are normal, Senpai!"
Now go with delirium!

-Off KenKen or go under the furniture!
Fudomine-La ... I mean ... no ... I mean ... the Gialappa's.
-Cinquantasetteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-But I see us wearing the uniform of Hyotei? The pants blocky Scots even my grandfather if they pay you as well!
-Fudomine are the belligerents?!?
In-house DVD Takumi have curtains on the ugliest in the world with the Peruvian village ...
-Shishido as design goes I do not own: it looks like either me or Yukimura. And it is nice to see Yukimura's arms ... Ohtori
-Mizuki and Sengoku, my trusted stylist XD
E-grape goes into orbit ...
- With all sti cartoon is no more place: Miroku is now in the arms of Kakashi, Miroku boom Eddine is on the shelf is ... well I'm an orgy!
Berzenev and Fuji-One day dominate the world, I'm sure!

And that's all, see you soon!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Zens Colors For A Wedding

Various Scazzeggiamenti

>.\u0026lt;... Miii that tired!

not think I'm normal ... and if they are truly human, in my previous life I must inevitably have been a log. Yesterday morning all pretty regularly (as regularly may be able to scratch a nonstick with a soft sponge ...-__-... me knows that I never little woman at home, but just never-ever-ever-ever-ever. ..)... the mess they arrived yesterday afternoon. A tummy hurt ... do not tell you that stuffed pads, huddled under the duvet, I slept from five to eight.

When I woke up I realized that I have made great shit that I sleep with contact lenses ...-__- I have no words for my stupidity. But there is really up there, someone to protect me, because they were still soft-soft when I opened my eyes and then, out of pure divine grace, no scratches or anything like that eye. And on the other hand many-many-many cuddles from my mom and dinner in bed ... the magic question might be: why did you all fucked up when combining a cuddle, and when you do the right thing and nobody seems to know, if they do, beeps are bitter?

Man is really bad, nothing to say in all this ... and ... drum roll ... I feel like shit. -__-I have not touched math-course starts on 4, and nasty that even the ...!- videouzzolo CharliexEllie ready yet ... when there are less than 24 hours to the return of Sunny-Love. * Guarding Emule retort that does not do his duty with the clip of Charlie *... and in all more distressed than ever.

The truth is that I do with the housework I've always been a disaster ... I was relegated to scout camp to make the fire, rather than to cook, because I had the distinct ability to attach everything to the bottom of the pot. .. and the bad luck I had gone too well, because with my small fire always ate first, and I was very happy to do a bit cheerful-arsonist 'was not the mother, as I was able to return home XDXDXD slip with smoked ... then it is not clear yet how blacks are now, since I never put out to dry near the fire nor have I done fire air poo ... .-... mysteries of life now, with 'is my grandmother's story in two spiezzata touches get busy. On one side are also glad that my bro is away (less work XD), but on the other ... it was he who took up with a vacuum cleaner ...>.\u0026lt;. And oh well ... I luckily distracted with CHeq ... now we are being Jack / Kate, here. *______* I noticed that Katie looks a lot like me. Terribly able to attract to itself figurine market, blushing all the time for nothing, being so sensibbbbile, feeling inadequate ... maybe because there I found myself so much, perhaps, it was hard to write it at first. In any case, I love that couple. *____* I console myself thinking that if no good In the series (but should be fine, nu? MUST!) should be fine there ...*___*.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Generic For Clonazaepam

Cactus mania!

As promised here is the update on my collection.
Finally I managed to have the pictures of my cacti, too bad that in the meantime I bought new ones, then in fact they are pictures of my collection as it was in late June!

this is (was) the full collection ...

then I bought some of the people ... Hyotei

A romantic encounter between Atobe and Jiro (the frightening thing is that Jiro is the seed! Atobe and uke!) (How do I know? "Well, Jiro's say that fell on him every three seconds when they were still in small pots, one night I brought them home for not that flew away in the storm, the next morning I found spilled on the ground with Atobe and Jiro Kabaji for despair had attempted suicide by throwing himself from the desk!)

Ran Maybe when the returns from the sea I will get to photograph the other, or Shishido, Ohtori (two of them have flourished together, which pucci!) Hyoshi, Gakuto (I finished !!!), Hyotei Yukimura, Bunta, Kirihara and Mizuki.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ontario New Car Plates

>. \u0026lt;E sfoghiamoci a pooooo '! And finally ...

...*___*, Two post in two days if I were not to be absolutely certain that he is beating me to the computer now, I would say that in my place there is an alien (Cecilia, lovve, is a manner of speaking. .. the aliens esistoooono. *)...^^". reassuring grin * faccing

The serious thing and I now I should be sitting at a desk to study mathematics nun ... but I've got your wish, honestly .... ____. and hope to wake up in time to overcome that blessed test ...>.\u0026lt; sfugging * tear at the thought of my beautiful 7 pre-Incident *... anyway, I'm not going to think about point, let in my blissful naivety, bad day yesterday ... cchifidosa.

* Guarding iconuzza dumpling-Ewan to wake up a little bit *... to think of it, even before dinner I would have understood that it was a disastrous day. In the morning, first of all ... which started in the worst way, with the ringing of the phone that threw me off the world of dreams (an emergency phone call, then tell me ... why it is imperative that the sloth was my spotted with two marmocchiette whose IQ is equal to that of Crabbe and Goyle ... but I care, then?! If that is the kind, the better, we're nothing ... è_é). .. now, I went to bed early, I would not have touched that much ... but the point is just that, porcaccia misery, you have no idea what it means to wake up to a log as I nine the night before when it was asleep when the cock crows, practically? -___-... I can tell you Gigia Chequerine and, as such I needed five minutes to process the meaning of the word "Hello." And it is true that you can see from the morning Good morning ... I do not mind doing the housework (now more than ever, as the grandmother has broken hip ç_ç) ... just that, to prepare four different foodstuffs each (here we have problems with gluten and we must be careful ^^"), it takes a while 'most of my experience ... the result? The pasta corn soup dad stuck to the bottom of the pot, I could not find the thimbles "normal" and James has had do off-the joy of his teenage refrettario to everything that is green-90 grams of pasta with pieces of steak when her mother had expressly asked him to eat the soup, the eggs were burned ...>.\u0026lt;, ok, Cenrentola is not my favorite role ... not to mention that I have heard from the mother -oh God, more like me than his face-dog, that makes you SNET guilty more than a thousand cock-because I forgot to prepare lunch for her ...-___-'.

If everything was limited that, though, I'm not complaining ... the point is that yesterday when I unplugged the computer before dinner I had the unfortunate idea to visit Grandma. Scene: hop up the stairs, all happy to have created the new blogging, along the corridor e. .. her. The nightmare of the child in me. The nightmare of every sane man. The nightmare of every hospice. You Presno those odious aunts? Those damn gossip, those who throw digs cruel, those who want to always say their feelings about your life, those that bear only because "they are family!? Good. Multiply all these ingredients to the nth degree, mix them together and you have the Signora Lina . ... Now it I would also have an aunt an excuse to not stick on its own, the thought that in 17 years of life has not yet found the courage to send her to that country, but the point is that ... it is not. And in principle I could do it. But, no matter how Prale and I really hope, I know I'll never make it. Now ... not even time to say goodbye to my grandmother told me: "Ah ... we find, now, time to come and visit her grandmother, eh?" Sour like a lemon gone bad (and my little heart sensibbbile sinking somewhere in the stomach) ... the whole story, under the gaze of disgust Signora Lina on the jacket of my pigiamone with the ducks (yes, because, in this absurd jumble of words I did not specifiocato that the little woman in question was also a seamstress ...°_°) and all I get is a face like, "I did not think you'd ever done, I thought I wanted good, etc-etc / Oh Lord, is this is my niece?! Not that I expected less disastrous, but ..."... and, of course, the seamstress if she could be quiet? It will have muttered that it was time for ten minutes I started to do something, I felt that now he does always Grandma and other insults on my person (and, of course, the fact that it has been for about six months bedridden because I could not move that collapses, totally lacking in balance and that for four months has had some kind of blade that pierced me from side to side at ILLIAC fossa does not justify the fact that it has not dusted true ?)... looked at him homicidal, so that, at some point has silenced itself. But the cool thing about this is that, down the stairs, I felt guilty ...*___*. The woman who, when I was five I meant by saying that he had no way to jump on the bed ( five years, gentlemen, not sixteen, five ) or make me wear embroidered grambiulini Fusax in place, the woman screamed as a hysterical mad because when my grandmother told me that I was too young to talk about things that she did not understand, I am exposing my objective point of view, the woman who, in full teenage crisis, he said to my mother before me, "Dear, dear ... always so elegant Dolores ... Sometimes I can hardly believe you're really mother and daughter ... ok, the same woman and I I am bringing the guilt. I'm an idiot patented, it's official.

Enough, I'm not going to talk about it ... I am delighted, thinking that now is in the hands of El Ju and will soon begin to threaddare ...*____*... about the session ... Briiiis! *___* But I love that girl, seriously, and yes, all things considered, we do not know each other a lot ... I have entrusted my beloved piciula ...^____-, the Mandy is in good hands! Then, from the way they spoke of the iteration with Mico ...* guarding the wall with eyes dreamy *... really, a couple will come out fabulous! Speaking of couples ... yesterday I received a mail from my partner ...*___*, puppy she gave me a grin in the giornatina biiiip. Meanwhile, new student to me is thinking that I wanted to take a little bit ... we talked about that a character that wants to take me Ry ... we'll see. If you take them, though, I give the small face of Bettany Joei Lenz ... Wake has an expression, the girl in question ... and then, I like that is bread stick, but has a copooratura is in the normal.

Just for today, because even have to go in the kitchen * incrocing fingers *...*__*. And after

Sims 3 Great Pyramid Map

My brain went on vacation ... In

After a long absence I'm back here to put in writing my own (so they are read only Ran, which, however, tell them also to voice ...). Anyway coming back to us, since last post to now several things have happened, for example ...
I left almost unscathed by the maturity (the vote will not tell even under torture), the writings were more or less catastrophic (apart from Italian , English and art), the hearing was crazy. Let me explain: the prof. Art I told all the details more gruesome and horrifying life of the Pre-Raphaelites, to that of English I quoted Baudelaire in French (it was a quote from Eliot's Waste Land, I'm not crazy XD), to that of natural I explained the operation of the electric guitar amplifier ... after this extraordinary cultural performance, and concludes the beauty exhibited Ran ( aided by a very very reluctant Kappa) the mega banner with the pictures of my favorite actors of Tenimyu and the word "wa Katsuni Sonia Makeru no school" made with the colors of Hyotei and rose petals fluttering (a huge thanks to my kohai which is was up until one o'clock at night to finish it) (the idea of using the temperature of the glue in place ... you should patent it or sell it at a high price to those Art Attack XDDDD), after which I left the classroom in a sea of applause and laughter (the prof).
I enrolled at the university, faculty of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa to Torino, I will study English and Japanese, I have taken a picture for the student card that is unwatchable: I hate my nose, I have photographed practically only one!
survived the mink and Takuya KenKen sweet lolita version (that and episode 12 of Puri Puri Pink no idenshi), by the way, I did well on Puri Puri a stupid video, for those who want to get hurt ( or laugh, it depends ...) I'll post the link soon.
I enlarged my collection of cactus, but this will do a separate post and
... ... and then I can not think of anything! So it's all for today, and as Yanagi says on his blog: "If you run away is the end! (But what does that mean?!? Is a blog post or the heart?!?)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Kates Playgound Full Sets Free

LJ! * __ *

plagued attempts ... also has the daisy blogging on LJ.
metting to dance the dance Pottu

* Many, but many, really many Gemelline thanks to the beloved, who gave me a big hand (let's say that it did all my star and I was merely following the commands ^___^).

... Now I can say I'm tired?

be said to me so I try as well, but ... yesterday I did three in the morning to figure out how the hell you did with the Bands Photo Shop icons El (Mandy gets a little face of a dolciositàààà ...* __*)... and pretty, and there are still come. I know that touches -___-... ask our Goddess Icons Ju ...*___* (because I had iconized a bit 'too Ellie the other ... that site went down and every two to three On >.\u0026lt;... I did not want the Lady Charlie remained without photino).

is precisely Chequered ...*__*... takes crazy that game. He's right, Sun has defined drug ... although these days we are a bit '(a bit' so ^ ^) ... still seems almost strange not to peck on MSN and do not have the room invaded by "Pitu-tutus '"(cosh ago? XD) chat ... Oh my God, when we all cross one's eyes to keep up with what the other says, but ... wow. ^___-

And just because I am taken from the great RPG, the writing suffers ... with the result that the cheerful blasphemy famigiola behind me ... and that I feel quite tired.

Not physically, just mentally.

At the top of my concerns is that blessed debt math ... if it were not for the stramaledettissimo accident ... I would also quieter and less stressed out, maybe I will turn out something decent.

And the fact that there are people waiting does not help ... there is still fear of disappointing expectations. I thought, just the other day ... when I was not really self-criticism. I expect more and if, on the one hand, maybe I do get good results in the other, everything slows down and varies greatly depending on the mood.

That is not exactly the best, in this period. ... I feel a little apathetic, so here, I think is the right word. It will be because, by now, very little ... I go out and fight, here, jib.

I do not understand why, if I do not want, I have to leave.

not a problem like this: "I hate-for-which-not-want-the-show-your-face-in-around" ... no. I consider myself pricey (although nu on the beach .... XD I refuse categorically), then this is not the problem.

The point is that, for the first time in my life, I feel sure of myself. Once, before we know Gaia, when I went out with friends, I felt sick. A pain that stemmed from his chest, stroking all the strings of the heart ... inadequate. Not from the point Physically, how much more than that ... just in terms of personality. Thought I was wrong ... and now I know that they are the wrong ones. Why is it normal to love reading (and see that I am not a reader fierce, huh! An average of ... mmm ... oh, well, I think one or two books a month, here.) Wish to change from time to time the premises to attend, speak and -gossip-which is quite different ... because I have to go out with people I do not go to genius?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Does Goku Really Love Chichi?

holiday Hyotei

Tomorrow I have the maturity of the interview and now I'm 38 with fever, toothache and sore throat. Perfect, I just needed this, because I do not understand the physics un'accidenti when they are healthy, let alone with a fever! We hope that the prof has mercy on me ...
Today I am completely match I can not say something sensible even if I promise, just to name a few pearls of wisdom that I have baked from that I got so far:
- "Now I'm staring at Atobe, Oshitari, Jiro, Ohtori, Shishido and one that flies! (Note: "what flies would Gakuto)
- " We need to give the Nobel Prize for fashion designer of the tenimyu because the idea of putting the leather pants in Kazuki's something ingenious
- "Bakazawa tanning is good "
- " Be careful that the laser which has the Fuji "
- "Gackt I typed on Google and I found paradise"
- "Aiba looks like my aunt

's not all! Besides giving the numbers of days, in the delirium of the fever I had a dream too absurd that I have dubbed "On vacation with the Hyotei"

So ... I was there and we should go to Ran sea with my car, but we were not alone, in fact were with us all the actors of Hyotei (except the type-haired yellow bowl, which I think is Hiyoshi). The "training" was this: in the driving seat with Kazuki's now legendary leather pants, next Oshitari (remember the names of all the players take too much effort of memory and does not intend to do since I have a headache as well) with the checked shirt and vest (in short, as in DL3), left behind by Ran, Ohtori, Shishido, Jiro (Hyotei of them in uniform) and I, the suitcases in the trunk, and Kabaji Gakuto (how do they stay in the trunk of a Peugeot 205 and I do not know ... I do not know how to stay in the back seat of a 5 Peuget 205 !!!). Despite the problems of space we leave, and Kazuki Oshitari chatting to their cabbages, Ran yaoi discussing with Othori and Shishido (An argument in case ...) and I filled up with us and Jiro Tronky (now I also dreams ?!?!), sponsored two in the trunk no longer feel (they're dead ...). Only after a while 'the situation degenerates because it burning hot in' machine is not even breathe, all showing signs of impatience, Jiro falls asleep on my lap (I love this part XD), I, Ran and Ohtori us we play morra Chinese, Japanese version, however, in that when you miss getting caught by a slap, just in between Shishido and then pick all the slaps if he (poor ...). After a while, 'and when we stop autogrill back in the car, out of nowhere and comes Mizuki (what does ?!?!), who joins the party, solocce no place and we have to before sending Shishido, Ohtori in arm (just as well that dreams do not stop the police, but otherwise fine here, we are 480 on a small car!).
finally reached the sea on a tropical beach of dreams where there is already camped the Seigaku eating watermelons cut from Taka-san-burning mode, then we settle ourselves with parasol, chairs and all the paraphernalia from the beach. After a while ' I Ran, Jiro, Ohtori and Shishido decide to go for a ride with the boat (the one with the dragon Ran) and we put in the water, only when we get there off the power and no longer able to return to shore then I start paddling like crazy, and Ohtori Ran down to push and Jiro sleep perched on the head of the dragon (note: this is what really happened, just that we were at Lake Orta in the tropics rather than in place of Ohtori was a friend of Ran and instead of Jiro, his brother). At the end we return to shore, but we realize that we have abandoned at sea Shishido (but what I have done wrong 'this boy to deserve this ?!?!) and must return back to retrieve it but at this point I woke up.
I know it's crazy, I had a fever, this time is justified!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Symptoms Of A Pin Stroke

Proposition: Enter Tenimyu among the subjects examined at maturity

If he had not understood the title of yesterday there was another crazy afternoon Tenimyu and today I found out the results of the writings of maturity on the second argument ... there is not much to say : I took 28 (the lowest grade class, but all my friends already consider me a donkey and then ... and then that I care, so I do not see !!!), I still do not consider myself ignorant ass just because I can not solve mathematical problems and existential inventor of chess instead of being paid in money like normal people, you pay in so many grains of wheat than they get if they put one on the first square of the chessboard, 2 on second, third etc on 4. (I swear, this idiocy was a problem with the math test ... I always said that mathematicians are out!). Oh well, if the hearing is fine with me (hoping that the banner of 20 Km on the theme: "Kazuki Kato and Hyotei" I want to do the Ran not distract me too ...) I can still do it, because what matters is not 100 and praise, you get out (from 60 up then everything is fine)!
tenimyu ... As for yesterday came on the Ran and passed me the Dl 2 & 3 with backstage (2, I still have it) and we views on 3 ... THAT MUSIC IS DIVINE! 1 hour and 53 drooling on Hyotei (poetic image that I do not know ...), cos'avranno thought my neighbors have heard us because if we continued to sing out loud and strillane in chorus with the Japanese fans of the DVD, but it was the effort! When he entered the stage with Kazuki leather pants, shirt and jacket for cool white, I started screaming "Long live the Australian Formation with Atobe!" (No comment ^ _ ^)